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Floor sanding and polishing Sydney, North Shore and Northern Beaches

How to Match Your Timber Flooring Colours & Styles

Does timber flooring have to match throughout your home? The answer is yes and no. It is entirely your personal choice. There is nothing wrong with matching or not matching your timber floors. So, if this has been on your mind, keep reading to find out how to match or coordinate your timber flooring.

Matching Vs Coordinating Timber Floors

Before we start looking at how to match timber floors, let’s look at the difference between matching and coordinating. Matching is when you want to keep your floorings looking uniform and pleasing with zero contrasting elements. Precisely, having timber floors of the same size, colour, pattern, and finish across every room. Coordinating, on the other hand, gives rise to an entire array of questions. For instance, you may have Brushbox timber flooring in your living room, and you prefer to have mixed hardwood flooring in your kitchen. So, is it okay to have different timber flooring? Absolutely, yes. With proper designing and planning, coordinating floors can bring a pleasing striking look to your home.

How To Match the Timber Floors

If you want your floors to be looking uniform, you should finish your flooring by matching timber floors. Firstly, if it’s your new home, we recommend you finish the entire flooring at once for the exact same finish. Sometimes, finishing them later may show minor imperfections such as varying shade, pattern, or different plank sizes. However, if you want to complete them a little later, talk with your flooring service in advance. Secondly, if your floors were installed by the previous owners, you can bring a floor sanding and polishing professional to have your timber floors checked and compared. They’ll provide you with samples to match the exact style and colour.

Find the Exact Match

Finding the exact match of your existing flooring is crucial in achieving uniformity. Anything close to a near match doesn’t work here as your eyes will keep noticing the contrasting line. Moreover, if you can’t find something as exact as your existing flooring, it’s better to find something coordinating. By doing so, you’ll find your floors complementing each other rather than an awkwardly contrasting near match.

Floor Sanding and Polishing

Once you find the exact match, the next step that can help you is floor sanding and polishing. This is essential because your old flooring may have faded with time, while your new floors will look bright. The best way to match the colours, finish and style of your old flooring is to sand, stain, and seal all the flooring in the same finishes and colours. This will help your floors blend in without any clashing and make them look stunning, flawless and brand new.

Here are some of the pros and cons of matching a timber floor to help you choose the right flooring for your home.



Are you still having trouble finding exact matches or coordinating and refinishing them? Contact our floor sanding and polishing professionals at Abacus Flooring to help you choose the best stains and finishes to match your timber flooring in Sydney.